- I had shoulder surgery (I'd been having pain for over 7 months; been through physical therapy, steroid injections, and rest...nothing worked. So on Thursday before vacation I had shoulder arthroscopy and spent the rest of the break in a sling. John has gotten VERY good at putting my hair in a ponytail since I can't reach (feel free to tease him about this!)).

This is a close as I got to taking pictures of the very attractive black sling I am sporting.
- We traveled to Dallas for Fred (John's brother) and Misty's wedding. The ceremony was at the Dallas Arboretum and was beautiful. The reception was awesome with the margarita bar. Misty has 2 girls, Ryan and Skylar, who just loved John and would pull him around saying "watch John!"
Beautiful couple
Handsome boys
Skylar, John, and Ryan after the ceremony
- We stayed with Carolyn, Lanny, and Miss Cate while in town and had so much fun. Cate has grown so much since I last saw her and is just full of personality now. She loves to color, read, play, and of course watch the Mickey Mouse Show (I couldn't get that damn song out of my head for a week!). She also loves to have the big kids (especially John) sit at her table with her to color.

She is too cute

"Look how I can fit my whole fist in my mouth!"
Family Picture
Aunt RoRo, Cate, and Carolyn

Cate loves to help Carolyn around the house. When Carolyn said "let's vacuum", Cate when and got her own vacuum.

And she had to have her own cloth to help dust with.
He fits so well at her table!
- We got to see Brian and Rosie's new house (so awesome) and played X-box kinect. Cate even got in on the action. FYI - Brian just had his thesis paper published as the cover article of Cell Magazine! Yea Brian!
Carolyn and Cate playing the Xbox kinect
John and Cate watching everyone dance.
- We made a day trip to Fort Worth in order to meet 3 week old Brooks Carter Watkins ... aka "The Carter." Austen and Jennifer are such proud parents and Brooks is adorable. Even John couldn't resist.

So cute!!

- Next we traveled to Hot Springs to see my parents. John had dropped the pups off at their house on his way to Dallas and they had a blast in the deer woods (we call it this because my dogs always seem to find deer "parts" to bring back to the house...yummm).

Please don't call animal control, but yes this is 3 dogs crammed into a kennel. Sammy didn't seem to mind, Annie was a great pillow.
- We hosted a baby shower for Tina Marie, my best buddy from high school. She is 32 weeks pregnant and looks great! Parker Shane got all sorts of cute gifts and clothes. I can't wait to meet him!

Diaper Cake I decorated...I must have some of Carolyn's creative gene's after all.
Bag of goodies Carolyn monogrammed with Parkers name. There were bigs, diaper cloths, changing pad, diaper holder, carrier cover, and more!
Door wreath I made
String of onesies
Sarah and her beautiful Parker Anne
Adorable cake with blue inside
- My mom officially retired from her role as Manager at Hot Springs Internal Medicine. The employees threw a Margarita Party for her complete with a salsa bar, Margaret-rita's, and Purple Peggys. I am so proud of her!
- All in all, it was a great vacation full of family and it was so great to see everyone!