Julie & John

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


So I'm going to try and catch up on the last crazy month.

As an OB we dread...and I do mean DREAD inductions. They so often end in C/S after days of slow progress and discomfort. But as my due date came and went I found myself checking in for my induction. On Monday, April 23, we started the induction and 27 hours later we were ready to push. On April 24, 2012 at 6:20 pm we met our baby boy, Jackson Powell Goodwin. We didn't know the sex of the baby until Dr. Tritto held him up and John announced "It's a boy!" I couldn't believe it! I couldn't believe that we had an absolutely picture perfect pregnancy, perfect induction (despite my dread!), and perfect delivery ending with our 8lb 0oz, 21.5inch long son. And he was by far the most beautiful thing I had ever seen...I might be a bit partial. Everyone told me you can't imagine the instant love and they were right.

Our First Family Photo

Just perfect
8lb 0oz, 21.5 inches long

Going home

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sometimes I have the worst job...

On Friday I came to work like any other day, sat through Grand Rounds but noticed that one of our most stoic attendings had been crying. After the lecture was over we turned around and saw a group of residents with pure shock on their faces. Apparently overnight one of our attendings had come in with an IUFD (fetal demise). She is due exactly 1 week before me. She had noticed the night before that she hadn't felt movement for 30 minutes (which is completely normal) so she went to the hospital with her husband (who is also one of our attendings). There were no heart tones. The one thing no mother is ever prepared to hear. That your baby who you have been carrying for almost 9 months is dead. Just gone. No going back in time and delivering just before the something bad happened. It's over. We had had a baby shower for them 2 days before. They had the nursery ready.

After I heard I just felt nauseous and couldn't say anything but oh my God. One of the other residents took my hand and took me to triage to ultrasound Baby G. And there was a beautiful heart beat. Just perfect. Without reason my baby is fine and her's is gone.

I called John later and he said he didn't know this could happen. He thought we were in the clear this far along. Unfortunately I explained you are never in the clear until that baby is in your arms, and then you have a whole new set of problems to work about. Unfortunately in residency I have been a bit of an iufd magnet. I have delivered my fair share + way too many and it is never easy. I can't even imagine telling someone you know. Of course I was on call that night so I new when she delivered. Her OB (the stoic attending) had been there >24 hours only taking care of her, her patient, her friend.

So now I sit here crying, like I did all day that day, thankful that my baby is kicking and growing. So please hug your children, rub your pregnant belly, say a prayer for them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

32 weeks

Well we all knew it would happen...I let the blog go. Life has been busy working and trying to squeeze in all my calls before maternity leave. I am excited that I have a week of vacation starting next weekend and am going home for my baby shower! Carolyn, Lanny, Cate, Brian, and Rosie are all coming home too so it will be great to see everyone.

I'm still fascinated by the growing belly and seeing and feeling the baby move. I'm not sure I will ever get use to it all. I'm measuring well and the craziness of L&D seems to have helped me keep my weight under control. I can't believe in just 2 months our baby will be here!

Hopefully the nursery will be ready by then but at this time there is nothing in there! Any free decorators out there wanting to come fill it in I'm willing!

We keep meaning to take a belly picture but once again haven't gotten around to it. Maybe soon.